Great Western Railway 2-6-2T No. 5526
Buckfastleigh, Devon, UK
Location: South Devon Railway
Status: Operational
Posted: Nov 18, 2023 @ 09:11:26 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 is visiting the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway as extra motive power for their Santa Specials over the Christmas season.
Posted: Mar 18, 2023 @ 15:03:50 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 will be visiting the Spa Valley Railway for their Mixed Traction Gala Weekend on the 25th and 26th of March 2023, as a replacment for an unavailable Class 25 Diesel D7535 which is owned by the Devon Diesel Group for the Gala.
Posted: Nov 9, 2022 @ 06:11:06 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 is visiting the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway this winter to work their Polar Express Train Rides over the Christmas season this year.
Posted: Feb 9, 2022 @ 10:02:13 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 will be visiting the Swanage Railway in Dorset for a few months of their 2022 season. Starting from the February bank holiday week No. 5526 will be hauling trains there from the 19th to the 27th.
Posted: Aug 31, 2021 @ 12:08:23 by Russell Newman
No. 5526 will be going on loan to the Gwili Railway from September to the end of the year and will be taking part in their special Gala day on the 9th of October 2021.
Posted: May 19, 2021 @ 13:05:21 by Russell Newman
After its visit to the Mid Hants Railway early this month ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 has now gone on hire to the Dartmouth Steam Railway as extra motive power over the summer season there.
Posted: Apr 1, 2021 @ 06:04:11 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 will be visiting the Mid-Hants Railway for their Spring Steam Gala from the 30th of April to the 3rd of May 2021 which will be a branch line themed event.
Posted: Jan 9, 2020 @ 08:01:26 by Jack Spencer
After visiting the East Anglia Railway Museum, No. 5526 is expected to head back to the Battlefield Line, this time for the whole 2020 season as their main steam locomotive.
Posted: Dec 11, 2019 @ 14:12:08 by Russell Newman
No. 5526 is set to visit the East Anglian Railway Museum at Chappel & Wakes Colne in Essex for the first time for their Spring Steam Gala being held on the 14th and 15th March 2020. There is also an opportunity for members of the public to drive No. 5526 on the 13th & 18th March, for the bargain price of £150. Which details will be on the Museum’s website.
Posted: Nov 29, 2019 @ 12:11:45 by Russell Newman
The ex GWR ‘Small Prairie’ 2-6-2T No. 5526 will be visiting the Battlefield Line Railway for their Winter Warmer Gala on the 4th and 5th of January 2020.
Posted: May 28, 2019 @ 05:05:03 by Russell Newman
Following from the withdraw from service of No. 5786 (L92) for repairs. No. 5526 is going on hire again to the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway as there main steam locomotive for the 2019 season.
Posted: Feb 15, 2018 @ 10:02:16 by Russell Newman
From next week No. 5526 will be going on loan to the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway for the 2018 season there.
Posted: Nov 18, 2017 @ 09:11:58 by Russell Newman
5526 is visiting the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway over the Christmas season as extra motive power for there Santa Specials.
Posted: May 20, 2017 @ 08:05:38 by Russell Newman
5526 is back in service at the South Devon Railway following completion of its overhaul. The loco has been painted in GWR Green livery and will enter traffic this Sunday.
Posted: Jul 20, 2007 @ 06:07:28 by Andrew Wilson
5526 was built in Swindon in 1929 to Collet’s 55xx, 2-6-2, “Prairie Tank” design for branch line passenger work in country districts. Unlike earlier engines of the class, she had sloping tank tops to allow more water to be stored, without impairing the driver’s view ahead. She spent nearly her whole working life in Devon and Cornwall and was withdrawn in 1962 and then spent 23 years decaying in Barry scrap yard, Wales, before being saved for preservation. Most of the restoration was completed at Swindon works and now she is a fully operational member of the fleet of the South Devon Railway. 18th July 2007