EBR1 (BR2) (IR3) 0-6-0 No. 280 (240)
Saidpur, Bangladesh
Location: Divisional Railway Superintendant's Office
Status: Display
Abbreviation Expansion English
1 EBR Eastern Bengal Railway Eastern Bengal Railway
2 BR Bangladesh Railways Bangladesh Railways
3 IR Indian Railways Indian Railways
Posted: Jun 7, 2024 @ 22:06:01 by Alzaar Ahmed
Correction: Locomotive was used by EBR (Eastern Bengal Railway) till 1936, then transferred to Bangladesh Railway for use at Saidpur Workshops. Infact that is the locomotives current location.
Posted: Jun 6, 2024 @ 19:06:46 by Alzaar Ahmed
Locomotive is actually internally classed as SGC-2 240 but is displayed as Bangladesh Railway 280. Initially worked for the EBR before transferring to Saidpur Works until retirement in 1983.