Betton Grange Locomotive Society 4-6-0 No. 6880 'Betton Grange'
Toddington, Gloucestershire, UK
Location: Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway
Status: Operational
Posted: Feb 1, 2025 @ 10:02:17 by Russell Newman
By popular demand, the new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will be making a return visit to the North Norfolk Railway for the summer season from July to September 2025.
Posted: Feb 1, 2025 @ 09:02:13 by Russell Newman
The new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", was built in 2024, and continues her travels in 2025 as the locomotive will be visiting her former construction base at the Llangollen & Corwen Railway as a operational locomotive for the first time, as No. 6880 will be their star visiting locomotive for their Branch Line Gala from the 11th to 13th of April 2025.
Posted: Jan 31, 2025 @ 12:01:42 by Russell Newman
The new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", is to visit the Bluebell Railway for the very first time this year for their upcoming Giants of Steam Gala from the 17th to 19th of October 2025, which this years event is a new-build themed to spotlight on the new chapter of railway preservation, highlighting impressive new-build steam locomotives.
Posted: Dec 16, 2024 @ 05:12:37 by Russell Newman
The new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", now has a home at the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway at Toddington, Gloucestershire as a deal has been struck between the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway and the Betton Grange Locomotive Society which will see No. 6880 based at the railway for the foreseeable future. No. 6880 will arrive at its new base in February 2025 after appearing at the Great Central Railway for their Winter Steam Gala during January.
Posted: Nov 16, 2024 @ 09:11:09 by Russell Newman
This is the inside history of new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", and the GWR Grange Class 4-6-0. The Grange Class 4-6-0 was designed by Charles Collett as a new mixed traffic locomotive for the Great Western Railway and 80 of them were built from 1936 to 1939, and numbered from 6800 to 6879. The Grange Class 4-6-0 were intended to replace the 300 strong class of 4300 2-6-0 locomotives using their wheels and motion onto the new engines, but only eighty had been built when war interrupted the programme and it was never revived. The class was a smaller-wheeled version of the Hall class 4-6-0 with the platform raised over the cylinders. The first three members of the class were fitted with cast iron chimneys until a new, smaller chimney was designed, appropriately called the Grange type. The power classification of the Grange class was 5MT, the GWR power class was D and the route availability was RED. The Granges were based throughout the former Great Western system, with the Newton Abbott division of the network having a particularly strong allocation. Newton Abbott was responsible for the provision of locomotives to pilot heavily loaded trains over a 25 mile stretch of line known as the South Devon Banks which included Dainton Bank (around 1 in 40), Rattery (around 1 in 50) and Hemerdon (around 1 in 42). Before the days of widespread use of cars this section would be used by dozens of holiday excursions every day in summer. These trains were often loaded to 12 coaches and more and typically weighed more than 500 tons. It was customary to use a Grange class locomotive as pilots to assist the train locomotive on these heavily laden trains. Grange class locomotives were frequently used to pilot or relieve the train locomotive on the Cornish Riviera Express. The first of the 80 locomotives to be withdrawn was No. 6801 "Aylburton Grange" in November 1960. No significant number of withdrawals took place until 1964 when 25 were taken out of service. The last 46 were withdrawn in 1965 with 4 surviving until December of that year. None of the Grange Class 4-6-0 locomotives would end up at Barry Scrapyard sadly but an 81st member would be built from new to fill in a lost gap of Great Western Locomotives. Launched in 2003 and built in 2024 the Betton Grange Locomotive Society set out to build No. 6880 "Betton Grange" as the 81st memeber of the class for use on preserved railways and later mainline running. She was built using a mix of new parts and recycled parts from other ex Great Western steam locomotives used in its construction, as the Swindon No. 1 boiler from Modified Hall Class 4-6-0 No. 7927 "Willington Hall" was used along with the leading bogie from Hall Class No. 5952 "Cogan Hall", and the driving wheels had come from ex GWR Large Prairie 2-6-2T No. 5199. Construction of No. 6880 started at the Llangollen Railway and was completed at Tyseley Locomotive Works in 2024, since entering traffic No. 6880 has become a very popular locomotive running on the heritage railway circuit and there are long term plans to take her out on the mainline as well in the future.
Posted: Oct 17, 2024 @ 08:10:40 by Russell Newman
The visit of new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", to the North Norfolk Railway has been extended to the end of November 2024, to give the new locomotive more running in more and will also take part in HallowS.T.E.A.M. event for Halloween on the 30th of October and will also work some of the pre Christmas Norfolk Lights Express trains in late November before moving to the Battlefield Line in Leicestershire, to work their Santa Specials over the Christmas season during December 2024.
Posted: Oct 7, 2024 @ 14:10:28 by Russell Newman
In 2025 new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", is expected to be visiting the Great Central Railway for the first time for their Winter Steam Gala from the 23rd to 26th of January 2025, where it will be joined by two other visiting locomotives for the Gala then.
Posted: Sep 17, 2024 @ 15:09:47 by Russell Newman
Having had a good running-in during its visit to the North Norfolk Railway, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will from November 2024 be spending the winter at the Battlefield Line in Leicestershire, working their Santa Specials over the Christmas season during December. No. 6880 will stay at the Battlefield Line until January 2025 where it will take part in their 2025 Winter Warmer Steam Gala then.
Posted: Jun 10, 2024 @ 11:06:26 by Russell Newman
During its visit to the West Somerset Railway, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will take part in their 150 event from Tuesday 16th July to Sunday 21st July 2024, marking the 150 year anniversary of the opening of the West Somerset line from Watchet to Minehead.
Posted: May 27, 2024 @ 14:05:24 by Russell Newman
The 2024 new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", has successfully hauled its first public passenger trains during the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway’s Cotswold Festival of Steam and really wowed the crowds during the Gala which one of the highlights was seeing No. 6880 working double headed with Didcot based new-build GWR Saint Class 4-6-0 No. 2999 "Lady of Legend", giving the awesome site of two 21st Century new-build standard gauge steam locomotives working together in the UK if not the world. No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will move on to the West Somerset Railway to haul trains there during July 2024, before moving on to the North Norfolk Railway for the rest of the summer season until the autumn months of 2024.
Posted: May 6, 2024 @ 14:05:53 by Russell Newman
It may have missed out on their Spring Steam Spectacular event over this past weekend of the 3rd to 6th May, but new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will visit the West Somerset Railway hauling trains there during July 2024.
Posted: Apr 11, 2024 @ 09:04:05 by Russell Newman
The construction of new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", the 81st member of her class has now offically completed, as No. 6880 has steamed for the very first time which now makes the locomotive operational.
Posted: Apr 8, 2024 @ 13:04:24 by Russell Newman
The visit of new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", to the Severn Valley Railway for their Spring Steam Gala is sadly no longer happening as No. 6880 will not be ready in time for the Gala then. No. 6880 has now begun testing at Tyseley Locomotive Works, but the completion of this has come too late for transport to be organised and loaded test runs to be carried out at the Severn Valley Railway. However it is still planned to bring the brand new locomotive to the Severn Valley Railway still for testing and running in trials later on in May 2024. The Betton Grange Society have said that following this, the new-build Grange Class 4-6-0 will appear at other events as planned, subject to repairs that may be necessary.
Posted: Mar 18, 2024 @ 11:03:01 by Russell Newman
After making its debut at the Severn Valley Railway and Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will head into East Anglia for the very first time to spend the summer season at the North Norfolk Railway, where it will be hauling trains there during August, September and October 2024.
Posted: Feb 26, 2024 @ 14:02:25 by Russell Newman
Now almost ready and some final paint work needed before testing, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", is set to haul its first public trains and enter into service at the Severn Valley Railway, during their Spring Steam Gala from the 18th to 21st of April 2024.
Posted: Feb 19, 2024 @ 13:02:13 by Russell Newman
Sadly, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", is now unable to visit the East Somerset Railway for their 50th Anniversary Gala, as the locomotive is not yet ready for its very first steamings and tests yet still.
Posted: Feb 5, 2024 @ 14:02:02 by Russell Newman
One of the other preserved railways that new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will be visiting will be the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway, where it will be the star locomotive at their Cotswold Festival of Steam from the 25th to 27th May 2024. This will also be the first time since a GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 has worked over the ex-GWR mainline in almost 60 years since the last of the original class was scrapped in the 1960s.
Posted: Jan 31, 2024 @ 14:01:40 by Russell Newman
If and when completed and after testing and running trials are completed at both Tyseley Locomotive Works and the Battlefield Line Railway, new-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", will be visiting the East Somerset Railway for their 50th Anniversary Gala weekend on the 16th and 17th of March 2024. This will be the first big steam gala the brand new GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 locomotive will visit this year with meny more to follow, and will be the first time a Grange has operated on GWR tracks since 1965, and the first GWR 4-6-0 to run on the East Somerset Railway since the visits of GWR Manor Class 4-6-0 No. 7822 "Foxcote Manor", and GWR Castle Class 4-6-0 No. 5029 "Nunney Castle" ran on the line.
Posted: Jan 21, 2024 @ 14:01:52 by Russell Newman
Sadly the first steaming of New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", has been delayed as memebers of the Betton Brange Locomotive Society and Tyseley Locomotive Works are working very hard to complete the locomotive and have it tested at Tyseley before before moving it to the Battlefield Line Railway for more testing and running in trials. This mean that No. 6880 will not able to take part in their Great Western themed Winter Steam Gala Weekend now sadly.
Posted: Dec 16, 2023 @ 09:12:48 by Russell Newman
It has been announced that after her first steaming at Tyseley Locomotive Works during January, New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange", (the 81st member of her Class) will be going to the Battlefield Line Railway for futher testing and running in trials and hauling her very first public passenger trains in service during their Great Western themed Winter Steam Gala Weekend, on the 3rd and 4th of February 2024.
Posted: Nov 1, 2023 @ 15:11:53 by Russell Newman
The first steaming of New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" for November has had to be postponed due to delays with receiving the main steam pipes from the contractors. Its now expected that the New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 will steam for the very first time in January 2024.
Posted: Aug 7, 2023 @ 12:08:19 by Russell Newman
With construction now in the final stages of completion, New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" is set to be steamed and moved under its own power for the first time in November 2023. Since the project to build a brand new 81st Great Western Railway Collett designed Grange Class 4-6-0 from scratch started 25 years ago by the Betton Brange Locomotive Society, the end is now in site. When completed No. 6880 will begin testing and running in trials at Tyseley Locomotive Works before being let out on the heritage railway circuit around the UK from 2024.
Posted: Apr 27, 2023 @ 15:04:25 by Russell Newman
The construction of New-build GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" has reached a milestone as the boiler has successfully passed its final in the frames hydraulic test, commencing No. 6880’s very first boiler ticket. Work is now pressing ahead for the locomotive’s final steam test.
Posted: Jul 9, 2022 @ 14:07:15 by Russell Newman
The construction of newbuild GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" is now in the final stages of completion as the locomotive will be the next newbuild to steam for the very first time as a complete locomotive. No. 6880 could be moving under its own steam for the first time this Autumn when all the pipe work is finished.
Posted: Mar 18, 2021 @ 06:03:19 by Russell Newman
Tyseley Locomotive Works is to be the new home for newbuild GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" as it was announced by its owners the 6880 Betton Grange Society Ltd. have reached an agreement in principle to relocate their assets, including new-build No. 6880 "Betton Grange", to a new permanent home at Tyseley Locomotive Works. Work on the construction of No. 6880 is now in its final stages as the locomotive is set to be completed by the Autumn of 2021. After which the focus its resources will be on building a new tender for the ‘Grange’, with the objective of building a replica Collett 3,500-gallon version, a chassis for which is already in its ownership. It is planned for 6880 to run in first with a hired GWR Tender.
Posted: Nov 4, 2020 @ 12:11:08 by Russell Newman
The construction of newbuild GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 No. 6880 "Betton Grange" is in its final assembly as the smokebox has now been permantly fitted to the locomotive and it is hoped that No. 6880 will be in steam in early 2021.
Posted: Apr 4, 2020 @ 10:04:54 by Russell Newman
A big milestone was reached in the construction of No. 6880 "Betton Grange" on the 17th of March 2020 when the newly rebuilt boiler from the now ex No. 7927 "Willington Hall" was placed on the frames of the locomotive. It is hoped the No. 6880 will enter service later this year.
Posted: Dec 6, 2019 @ 09:12:58 by Russell Newman
A big milestone has been reached as the 1960 built boiler from "Willington Hall" that will be used on No. 6880 "Betton Grange" has pasted its official steam test. This marks the final stages of construction of No. 6880 "Betton Grange" as the locomotive is to enter service in 2020.
Posted: Aug 26, 2018 @ 13:08:17 by Steve Frost
The loco is nearing completion and the visit to Tyseley will see the fitting of the boiler from "Willington Hall" as originally intended. The boiler has been overhauled at Tyseley and fitting it will take the loco towards a first steaming, which will bring another lost class of loco back into life.
Posted: Feb 26, 2017 @ 17:02:39 by Russell Newman
6880 "Betton Grange" will be visiting Tyseley Locomotive Works this summer for one of their open days on June 24th to the 25th. The locomotive will still have the boiler on from 5952 "Cogan Hall" for display only still but with some temporarily boiler cladding fitted. Construction work on building 6880 is going very well and its hoped that the locomotive will be all finished and steaming in 2018.
Posted: Nov 24, 2016 @ 14:11:56 by Russell Newman
6880 Betton Grange will be on display at the Warley National Model Railway Exhibition as one of the main centrepieces. The event takes place at Birmingham NEC. It will be the first time the locomotive has appeared in public from its base at Llangollen Railway Engineering Works. It will have the boiler from Cogan Hall on it for display.
Posted: Apr 25, 2007 @ 14:04:22 by Steve Frost
No 'Grange' class locos survived into preservation. The 6880 Betton Grange Locomotive Society is currently building one using parts from other GWR locomotives. The boiler is from 7927 'Willington Hall' which has been dismantled at Llangollen to donate this component (see the notes on 'Willington Hall' for the history of this). The frames are newly manufactured and the wheels will be an indefinite loan from the Great Western Society, from 2-6-0 No 4156 which was scrapped. These are held as spares by the GWS. A genuine 'Grange' chimney exists and the tender chassis will be from 4936 'Kinlet Hall'. The standardisation of components used by the GWR makes this re-creation more easily achieved, compared with the new build projects.