Osi Tiong Ham Mill 0-8-0T No. 13
Berlin-Wuhlheide, Berlin, Germany
Location: Parkeisenbahn
Status: Operational
Posted: Jan 8, 2025 @ 12:01:13 by
originally named "Lawoe" in Java, now named "Merpapi" in Germany.
Posted: Jun 30, 2022 @ 10:06:59 by Dale W Fickes
Previously Osi Tiong Ham Mill, Samarang as MERAPI then, Sugar Mill Rego, Agung, Java as No. 13. It was re-patriated to Germany in 1988 and spits its time between the DKMB in Mühlenstroth and the Park Railway in Berlin-Wulhlheide, currently believed to be at the former in 2006 as LAOWE. It was reduced to 600mm gauge during a overhaul at Raw Meiningen in 1992.