National Railways of Mexico 4-8-4 No. 3028
New Hope, PA, United States
Location: NH&I Railroad
Status: Restoration
Posted: Nov 26, 2023 @ 13:11:48 by Nicholas Medovich
speculations are open on this locomotive will be moved to Ridgeley WV to wmsr shops. Not confirmed yet but fingers crossed.
Posted: Oct 30, 2023 @ 23:10:07 by Tyler Fenderson
"El Taco Loco" project is abandoned and ownership is transferred between estates and banks since the owners passing.
Posted: Feb 7, 2014 @ 15:02:36 by Dave Gould
The GNRERF has merged into the Alco Historical & Technical Society. No. 3028 is now the property of AH&TS. Negotiations are underway to return the engine to Schenectady, NY for restoration and display. No time frame has been established, but this is a major long term goal of the AHT&S. Dave Gould
Posted: Oct 12, 2011 @ 13:10:41 by Northshore
Restoration can be described as a rainy day project dependant on funding avalibility, with small bits of progress being made to futher the "Niagra" to operational condition. Source: topic: NdeM 3028 Status?
Posted: Feb 9, 2011 @ 12:02:12 by
May run in mid-2012
Posted: Feb 8, 2008 @ 17:02:47 by Daniel Temple
Attention NH&I Railroad steam fans, I've discovered that 3028 is sitting in storage in a siding south of the depot. Could be that the restoration was hold up.