Southern Pacific RR 4-8-4 No. 4460
Kirkwood, MO, United States
Location: National Museum of Transport
Status: Display
Posted: Nov 15, 2010 @ 16:11:38 by Daniel Hipp
4460 is often known as the "Forgotten Daylight".
Posted: May 3, 2010 @ 18:05:30 by Aaron Farmer
4460 was the first GS-6 locomotive built for the Southern Pacific railroad. Early in her career, 4460 pulled troop trains and fast freight. When the war ended it was primarily assigned to the San Joaquin Daylight between Oakland and Bakersfield, San Jose-San Francisco commutes, and freight service. In its final years of service, 4460 was one of the "excursion engines" that SP used for passenger specials and fan trips for the final runs of steam locomotives, despite the fact that it had been damaged in a derailment on November 16, 1956. 4460 is famous for pulling what supposed to be the final movement of steam on the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1958. It was a two-day excursion across the Sierras on the route of the Overland Limited. 4460 had just a few days before her boiler expired.
Posted: Aug 24, 2005 @ 10:08:20 by peter m. preston
Southern Pacific No. 4460 has experimental Timken roller bearings on both engine and tender but some of the GS-6 engines may had have SKF experimental roller bearings. The GS-6 class spent a lot of time on Shasta and Portland Divisions due to their 73" drivers.
Posted: Jun 16, 2005 @ 02:06:41 by Andrew Foley
#4460 and #4449 are the only existing GS Class locomotives today. 4460 has rolar bearings on all axels which sperarted it from the other classes below. 4449 was on display in Portland OR. in a amusment park. 4449 is running today and has been recently painted back to the true Daylight colors. 
Posted: May 5, 2004 @ 21:05:40 by
Dont's be fooled by the look on this GS locomotive, 4460 was built like that. Its not GS-2, or GS-3, or GS-4 etc, etc. TheĀ 4460 is a GS-6 type engine. 4460 didn't have the orange and red paint or fancy skirts.