Shelby & Southern RR 4-4-0 No. 3
Calera, AL, United States
Location: Heart of Dixie RR Museum
Status: Operational
Posted: Jul 24, 2020 @ 03:07:05 by Lee
This locomotive is now back in service as of 07/19/20;
Posted: Apr 28, 2014 @ 08:04:17 by Chris Capewell
No longer operational March 2014. Track at the ng grade crossing has been partially taken out.
Posted: Dec 16, 2009 @ 13:12:50 by Michael huff
she and the train are now for sale for $400k
Posted: Oct 14, 2009 @ 13:10:58 by Bill
My grandfater bought on of these engines and cars in about 1960. I remember going with him to the rail yard in St.Pete FL to see the engine in a boxcar. He operated the engine in Cherokee NC and the St. Pete area. I remember looking at a brochure from Crown when I was teen that had the various engines they made and track prices. I spent many hours as the "conductor" on my grandfathers RR.
Posted: Nov 8, 2004 @ 07:11:36 by Ben Barton

This locomotive is used mainly to pull trains full of children through the woods in Calera, AL.  It is the only operating steam locomotive in Alabama.  Before being purchased by the Heart of Dixie RR, it was owned by the Birmingham Zoo.

The RR also operates two SW-1 locomotives originally built for the army.