St. Louis - San Francisco RR 2-10-0 No. 1630
Union, IL, United States
Location: Illinois Railway Museum
Status: Operational
Posted: Feb 1, 2016 @ 23:02:04 by Jason M
Tractive effort now 47454 lbs at 180 psi.
Posted: Mar 26, 2015 @ 23:03:21 by JD
Please change boiler pressure to 180 psi. we upped the boiler pressure for the 2014 season and on
Posted: Nov 8, 2014 @ 19:11:17 by EAW
Boiler pressure now rated at 180 psi since 2013 FRA inspection.
Posted: May 25, 2014 @ 23:05:17 by Chris Little
Now operational.
Posted: May 22, 2014 @ 22:05:17 by Chris Little
1630 was incapable of operating on May 17 due to a few leaks found during testing, but those have been fixed now and if all goes well she will be running Memorial Day Weekend.
Posted: May 4, 2014 @ 22:05:50 by Chris Little
Status should still be restoration. It is almost complete and the hope is to have 1630 running in the next two weeks on May 17.
Posted: Oct 30, 2013 @ 22:10:56 by JD
Chang status to Operational. Passed FRA test today!!!
Posted: Feb 22, 2012 @ 10:02:51 by Brian
1630 should be set to run in 2012
Posted: Nov 8, 2010 @ 19:11:11 by Bobby
Look What I found!,-2010.html We have steam in Union!
Posted: Aug 27, 2010 @ 16:08:41 by
2011 should be the year 1630 runs again
Posted: Sep 25, 2009 @ 19:09:53 by JD Marzec
1630 may run next year (2010)
Posted: Jul 28, 2008 @ 20:07:55 by J.D. Marzec
1630 rear bearing needs to be replaced. the drop pit is a week or two from being finished and will see 1630 as its first engine. we are hoping to have 1630 operating for the '07 season.
Posted: Jun 1, 2008 @ 23:06:37 by john heid
1630s rear drivers have been sent to TVRM for work, but its going to be another case of "probably next year" for IRM's star steamer. I saw her saturday, and her boiler jacket has been removed around the firebox, probably to get at the staybolts or possibly the insulation. But I think its safe to say that an iron horse will be shaking the rails at IRM next year.
Posted: Feb 14, 2008 @ 18:02:31 by J.D. Marzec
Posted: Feb 12, 2008 @ 17:02:17 by J.D. Marzec
PLEASE change status to RESTORATION
Posted: Jan 6, 2008 @ 19:01:25 by J.D. Marzec
Please change status to RESTORATION
Posted: Dec 2, 2007 @ 20:12:37 by J.D. Marzec
All of the staybolts have been drilled out. We are working on the bearings. The driver will be sent out to be re-tired and machined down. 1630 should be operating this summer.
Posted: Oct 20, 2007 @ 19:10:55 by J.D. Marzec
1630's #5 driver has been dropped. Still trying to figure out how to replace the bearings. Sheet metal is being removed for the hydro test.
Posted: Sep 27, 2007 @ 18:09:36 by Isaac

change status to operational. more photos on the links page.

-Isaac 13

Posted: Aug 5, 2007 @ 17:08:00 by J.D. Marzec
Will drop the driver on the 18th
Posted: Jul 29, 2007 @ 20:07:54 by J.D. Marzec
Air tanks ready to be tested. #5 driver breaks removed and ready to drop #5 driver.
Posted: Jul 8, 2007 @ 10:07:31 by J.D. Marzec
1630 is now in the shop and is awaiting repairs.
Posted: Apr 10, 2007 @ 20:04:03 by J.D. Marzec
Tender repairs almost done. Drop pit almost finished.
Posted: Nov 20, 2006 @ 20:11:15 by J.D. Marzec
1630 rear bearing needs to be replaced. the drop pit is a week or two from being finished and will see 1630 as its first engine. we are hoping to have 1630 operating for the '07 season.
Posted: May 6, 2005 @ 22:05:38 by Terry Spirek
The IRM. have no plans to run the 1630 this 2005 season!! It's going to a steamless summer at the museum.   Hope to have U.P.2-8-0 #428 up & running in the very near future.
Posted: May 5, 2005 @ 18:05:22 by Nick McLean
Please change status to operational!
Posted: Nov 7, 2004 @ 11:11:30 by Michael Ledingham
There are actually about half a dozen surviving Russian Class decapods in the U. S.; this, however, is the only operating one.
Posted: Sep 4, 2004 @ 20:09:36 by Josh Reynolds
This is the only remaining example (that I am aware of) of the so-called "Russian Decapod". They were originally built for export to the Imperial Russian State Railways by Baldwin during WWI. The Bolshevik Revolution took place before the order was completely delivered, stranding many completed locomotives in the U.S. They were acquired by the USRA and refitted for domestic service: Built to the Russian guage (5' even), the leading and tender wheelsets were replaced, and the drivers fitted with new extra-wide tires for Standard Guage. They were then distributed by the USRA to various railroads. Recently, Bachmann produced a model of the "Russian Decapod," and they visited Union to obtain prototype measurements.
Posted: Apr 26, 2004 @ 22:04:45 by Jason
I have fired and engineered 1630 for more than 10 years.  This locomotove has run nearly every year at IRM since 1972, and should be operational in 2004.
Posted: Aug 2, 2003 @ 21:08:28 by Brian
I saw the locomitive running this week when i went down there August 2003
Posted: May 12, 2003 @ 22:05:30 by Michael Ledingham
According to an article in the latest issue of American Railway Museum Quarterly, a two-year overhaul has just been completed on this locomotive and it is once again operational.
Posted: Nov 28, 2002 @ 11:11:25 by Todd Ramaly
This locomotive was operational when I visited the museum in 2000 and 2001.