Tuskegee RR 2-6-2 No. 101
Union, IL, United States
Location: Illinois Railway Museum
Status: Stored
Posted: Mar 31, 2008 @ 19:03:44 by Trevor P.
101 is still within barn 9 (with its tender sitting outside).  The bottom part of the smokebox is cut due to deterioration and has its pilot wheels removed.  They are in the shop in storage.  101 will have its smokebox repaired once restoration can begin.
Posted: Jul 29, 2007 @ 20:07:06 by J.D. Marzec
#101 IS NOT OPERATIONAL please change status to display
Posted: Nov 24, 2006 @ 14:11:58 by J.D. Marzec
#101 is unoperational and if returned to operational will be convereted to coal. unshure of when conversion will happen.
Posted: Mar 9, 2004 @ 11:03:40 by Ray Breyer
This engine hasn't been operational in over 15 years.
Posted: Jun 19, 2003 @ 11:06:24 by Frank Hicks
Tuskeegee 101 isn't operational any more, but is being worked on at IRM.