Central of Georgia 2-8-0 No. 223
Savannah, GA, United States
Location: Coastal Heritage Museum
Status: Display
Posted: Dec 11, 2014 @ 12:12:43 by John Walker
It was originally planned to get #223 back under steam and to pull excursion runs on the old Central of Georgia R branch between Columbus, GA and Calloway Gardens near Pine Mountain as part of the Bicentennial observation. This plan eventually lost steam and #223 was put on display behind the old Columbus ironworks. Locomotive #223 was completely renovated by Southern Railway then donated to the City of Columbus (Georgia) in 1981 and put on display behind the old ironworks that had been recently renovated into the new Columbus Convention Center. This was easily done because the old branch that went to the old Municipal Coliseum where any circus production was staged ran right behind the old ironworks. When #233 was put on display, the line was pulled because the circus no longer came to town via train anymore. #223 languished unattended and was heavily vandalized, many of her appliances and hardware stolen. The City of Columbus refused to provide any support or preservation (not even a lousy couple of gallons of paint and some convicts from the county jail to apply it) eventually the locomotive was saved and moved to Savannah where it is receiving some much needed attention and love.
Posted: May 23, 2007 @ 22:05:55 by Mike Stroud

Now located at Savannah Roundhouse Museum(akin to Coastal Heritage) and listed there as Wrightsville& Tennille #223,having been restored

Posted: Apr 19, 2004 @ 17:04:49 by jas
223 is in savannah.  It was stored in savannah until the late 70's 0r so.  Then given to the city of Columbus were it was displayed. She then returned to to savannah in the early 90's.
Posted: Sep 10, 2003 @ 10:09:13 by Andrew Durden
The locomotive in the picture main picture is not 223, but Chattahoochee Valley Railway #21 (former Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia #201).  The picture was taken when the locomotive was stored in Columbus, GA (as was 223).  She is now at the Southeastern Railway Museum in Duluth, GA.