Atlanta & West Point RR 4-6-2 No. 290
Duluth, GA, United States
Location: Southeastern RY Museum
Status: Cosmetic Restoration
Posted: Mar 11, 2009 @ 09:03:52 by Andrew Durden
Cosmetic restoration of 290 is in full swing, as of Spring 2009. We will remove all jacket and lagging, sandblast boiler shell and cab, and re-install the jacket (which will require some repair). The locomotive will (obviously) receive a fresh coat of paint and a more authentic lettering scheme than she had in excursion service. We hope to complete work by early summer, but weather and the need for unexpected work on other equipment may impede our progress. Andrew Durden Mgr. - Locomotives SRM
Posted: Dec 23, 2008 @ 11:12:08 by Jason Sobczynski
The 290 would be a fine locomotive, she needs the following work performed by industry profeesionals. -Tram -New shoes and wedges(these have more shims than original bronze material) -New lateral liners on driving boxes and engine truck. Some are there though improperly applied, others were cut of when re-wheeling the locomotive in a curve(not by me). -A few new crown brasses -Driving journals turned and burnished(water etched)...possibly new #1 axle. -Pins quartered(water etched) -New rod brasses after quartering and rod tram(also, those currently on the locomotive have improperly layed out grease grooves...they are Circumferential) -Rod bores machined into tram -Pistons built up to fit bores, new rings -New valve rings(had a nice "chirp" to it's exhaust in the later years) -crossheads re-tinned -LOTS of firebox work...possibly crown sheet, it has pits I can sink my thumb half way into on the water side. Sorry, it's been years since that engine was under my care... Memory is a little foggy, it's a good starter list at least.
Posted: Apr 30, 2007 @ 21:04:43 by Neal
Any word on the 290 lately? It's a shame a locomotive in such condition has no place to run. It's too bad NS won't sale the Griffin to Senioa line, it would be a beautiful place to run the 290, or any other steamer for that matter.
Posted: Jan 11, 2003 @ 20:01:46 by Donald Bryant
Number 290 had a touch of fame when it performed in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes
Posted: Oct 17, 2002 @ 15:10:32 by Andrew Durden

A&WP 290 is in good shape other than the needed form 4 work.  The musuem has every intention of operating the locomotive again, should the opportunity present itself.  Right now there is simply no where to run her.  At present, 290 is being reassembled so that we can show her to the public.  Spearheading these efforts is none other the retired Southern Railway Master Mechanic-Steam Bill Purdie. 

Andrew Durden


Posted: Oct 17, 2002 @ 15:10:32 by Andrew Durden

A&WP 290 is in good shape other than the needed form 4 work.  The musuem has every intention of operating the locomotive again, should the opportunity present itself.  Right now there is simply no where to run her.  At present, 290 is being reassembled so that we can show her to the public.  Spearheading these efforts is none other the retired Southern Railway Master Mechanic-Steam Bill Purdie. 

Andrew Durden


Posted: Oct 16, 2002 @ 13:10:44 by Russell
A & W RR #290 is NOT OPERATIONAL. The engine is currently stored in shed 3 at the Southeastern RR Musuem in Duluth, GA. The 290's running gear is complete and serviced by the musuem. This engine would need the new FRA boiler certification to be made operational. According to the museum volunteers...they have 290 in good order at this point except for the boiler/firebox overhaul work and certifications.