RSR1 2-8-2 No. 326
Pichit, Thailand
Location: Kajorn Farm Resort (Closed)
Status: Display
Abbreviation Expansion English
1 RSR Royal State Railways of Siam Royal State Railways of Siam
Posted: Dec 28, 2024 @ 07:12:28 by rob schepp
In 2008 we were travelling around in the Isaan and we stayed for one night in the kajorn farm resort, although it was permanentely closed. We were the only guests. The next morning we made a walk and to our surprise we saw and old fighter jet as well an old train and the locomotive 326. I made a picture of the locomotive. If you are interested send me an email and I will send the foto to you. Regards rob schepp utrecht Netherlands
Posted: Apr 9, 2024 @ 10:04:23 by Alzaar Ahmed
I recently found out where the locomotive is, it’s at the Kajorn Farm Resort in Phichit, Thailand. However the resort itself is closed and now abandoned but I’m pretty sure the farm isn’t and I believe it’s still maintained when needed. Images of the locomotive at the resort exist aswell thanks to me connecting with a person on Discord who’s from Thailand.