Granite Rock Company 0-6-0T No. 10
Sacramento, CA, United States
Location: California State Railroad Museum
Status: Operational
Posted: Mar 28, 2016 @ 24:03:03 by Matthew L
The status should be changed to operational and the overhaul was complete in 2015
Posted: Aug 30, 2015 @ 22:08:59 by Andy Sammonds
Locomotive is back in service as of June 2015.
Posted: Oct 27, 2014 @ 21:10:43 by Corbin Young
2011 removed from service due to the end of certification on the boiler. Boiler inspections have revealed thinning of firebox sheets. Will cost an estimated $150,000 to restore.
Posted: Oct 26, 2012 @ 13:10:56 by
status should be changed to restoration
Posted: Jan 4, 2012 @ 19:01:55 by Hunter Lohse
The 10 is now undergoing an overhaul after its flue time ran out last year
Posted: Dec 12, 2007 @ 15:12:28 by Hunter Lohse
On December 1st of this year A Polar Express event was held at the museum I thoaught that Pere Maquette 1225 the 2-8-4 Berkshire locomotive from the movie would be there, but this locomotive was pulling the train instead it took away from the idea that this was The Polar Express.
Posted: Apr 17, 2007 @ 23:04:54 by R.Freeman
If im not mistaken, i believe this locomotive pulled the military train in the movie " Pancho Villa" about the Mexican restistance leader Pancho Villa. They put a fake tender behind it, and took off its saddle tanks.
Posted: Aug 5, 2004 @ 21:08:05 by Chris Lindsey Elpatric
Granite Rock #10 is now the only operational steam locomotive at the CA State Railroad Museum, because the UP #4466 has been out of service since 2000 recieving new boiler tubes.  Once the Up #4466 returns to service this locomotive will go in for work.  As far as I know this locomotive was once a coal burner but once she returned to service she was converted to burning oil.
Posted: Jun 4, 2004 @ 10:06:15 by Donald Nute
This locomotive is now an oil-burner. I suspect it was converted to oil when it was sold to Granite Rock in 1947. In California, coal-burning locomotives were practically non-existent.
Posted: Aug 5, 2003 @ 16:08:40 by Paul
USA 5001 now Granite Rock 10 came out of the shops in mid June of 1997.  I was there and got a ride in the cab at that time.  I was told that it was her second or third week out and 4466 was in pieces on the shop floor.
Posted: Oct 30, 2002 @ 03:10:20 by Jeff Terry
Now at California State Railroad Museum.  Operable
Posted: Oct 10, 2002 @ 14:10:57 by Bill Rupp
engine went to Sac. early 90's. First ran 1998 or 1999. Ran during railfair 99.
Posted: Sep 2, 2002 @ 20:09:51 by Dale Brown
I sent image of this engine some years ago. I'll see if I can find a copy. Last I saw this engine it was in Sacramento at the CSRM shops. I was told it was there for restore but I watched it for about 3 yrs and saw no activity.