Sierra Railroad 4-6-0 No. 3
Jamestown, CA, United States
Location: Railtown 1897
Status: 1472-day Overhaul
Posted: Jun 14, 2023 @ 18:06:28 by Chip Crandall
Wikipedia lists 17" X 24" 160psi 56"drivers but if you do the math ,= 16,845 effort but 54" drivers = 17,468 effort. I have found errors before on Wikipedia for train data.
Posted: Feb 27, 2010 @ 11:02:36 by frisco
Should be running on Independence Day 2010.
Posted: Feb 20, 2010 @ 22:02:32 by Blake Forgione
I just Found out that #3 was built originally for the Prescott and Arizona Central but sold to the Sierra in 1897, Then it was their biggest locomotive on the line.
Posted: Dec 24, 2009 @ 17:12:56 by Blake Forgione
This locomotive was used in Petticoat Junction, Little house on the prarie, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Back to the future 3, The Great Race, Bound For Glory, Casey Jones and many others.
Posted: Sep 24, 2009 @ 21:09:12 by Blake Forgione
this locomotive used to burn wood, had a box oil headlamp and a diamond funnel but Railtown said since it has a steel cab (old wooden one was destroyed in a 1918 wreck) it would have a round headlamp and a cylinder funnel.
Posted: Feb 16, 2009 @ 23:02:20 by k.b.
#3 is currently undergoing a complete restoration and is scheduled to be operational by 2010, with a new, welded boiler
Posted: Dec 7, 2008 @ 16:12:54 by Michael
No 3's most famous acting occurred as Central Pacific #131 in the movie Back to the Future III. The climax of the movie is Doc Brown and Marty McFly using #3 to push their time machine to 88mph and a return to 1985.
Posted: Jun 3, 2008 @ 20:06:35 by mike huff
she is the oldest surviving rogers 4-6-0
Posted: May 10, 2008 @ 19:05:23 by Patty Coulter

My father worked on # 3 in the Round House.  I have a picture of him from a magazine standing on # 3.  I grew up in the Railroad house across the street.  My dad was Jim Condon.  He worked there until 1965.  I remember watching him working on #28 when it derailed.

Posted: Sep 22, 2006 @ 13:09:08 by Raul Nemkish
This locomotive was in the film "Back to the Future 3".
Posted: Jan 8, 2006 @ 21:01:15 by George S.
The "Alco-Rogers Construction Number List" indicates that "Prescott & Arizona Central" Road Number 3, the "W.N. Kelly", was built under Construction Number 4493; this confirms a previous note. Drivers were 54".
Posted: Jul 13, 2005 @ 08:07:01 by daniel Lindsey
The City of Parsons is in the process of building a museum for the area. Parsons, Tennessee was built as a railroad town and the Tennessee Midland Railroad later to become part of the Lousiville, Nashville & Chattagoona and late the Nashville Louisville "L&N" started operations in 1889. The short line route passing through Parsons became known as the "Pee Vine" Route. In 1936 due to the advent of a highway bridge over the Tennessee River near Parsons and the inability of the Railroad to Build a Railroad bridge at the location the Railroad ceased operation along this route. The primary Locamotive used at the time and over the preceeding years between World War I and 1936 was called the Cannon Ball and was numbered 201. We are trying to research the history of that locomotive. Many thought it to be a Baldwin, however, as we continue to research it appears in may have been a Rogers. It is a 4-6-0 with the rear wheels of the 6 spaced rearward of the other two forward 4 of the 6. On locating your site we find that our 201 looks almost exactly like your #3. Where can I contact someone who has info on this type locomotive or might be able to give me some info on your locomotive that I might use to further research. Yours is the only locomotive I have located that is like our 201 "CannonBall"
Posted: May 24, 2005 @ 19:05:22 by Ed Kelley
Locomotive has been out of service since 1996
Posted: Mar 12, 2005 @ 19:03:59 by
This engine was in the movie" The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again"
Posted: Jul 3, 2003 @ 11:07:08 by Chris Holombo
Sierra #3 is out of service being rebuilt to conform to the FRA requirements. This includes extensive boiler work, which has not been completed due to lack of funding.
Posted: Jun 9, 2003 @ 15:06:04 by Michael Ledingham
The #3 has unfortunately been out of service for a year or two now. It has been disassemled for a complete boiler rebuild, plus work on the running gear, cab, and tender. Work has stalled due to lack of funding, and a fundraising drive has been launched.
Posted: Dec 13, 2002 @ 15:12:55 by Bruce A.Juneau
Gentlemen,I have two pieces of information for Sierra Railroad No.3.The first item should go into the Ownership history section.The engine was built by Rogers Locomotive Works in March,1891.The second item should be included with No.3's vital statistics.Its'Rogers builder's construction number is No.4493.Please add this to your information on Sierra Railroad No.3.Thank you.Sincerely,Bruce A. Juneau