Canadian National Ry 0-6-0 No. 31
Strasburg, PA, United States
Location: Strasburg RR
Status: Restoration
Posted: Apr 13, 2022 @ 23:04:02 by Chris Little
the restoration stalled out for a little while. However, it regained momentum in July 2021 and it is hoped the locomotive will be operational by the time 90 needs to go in for its 15 year overhaul.
Posted: Dec 29, 2010 @ 19:12:57 by Nicholas Medovich
Please change status to overhaul, as 31 is getting her 15 year rebuild completed. She will be done first out of the quint
Posted: Oct 17, 2010 @ 18:10:14 by Chris
#31 is still undergoing restoration. They plan on having her back out on the line this spring.
Posted: Mar 21, 2010 @ 10:03:45 by Brian T
The 7312 has been getting a full overhaul since last fall. I was there in October 2009 and the wheels were out from under the engine and they were starting the boiler work. They did not say when they expect to have the work finished. Brian
Posted: Jan 5, 2008 @ 21:01:37 by R. King
No.7312 or N0.31 was charetered in November along with No.89 for a Canadian National Charter. No.89 was renumbered to No.911 and No.31 was painted in Canadian National livery.
Posted: Sep 20, 2006 @ 22:09:43 by Christian S.

No. 31 has seen increased use this season filling in for #475, which has been down for much of the summer. Although she is normally reserved for the off-season (generally late-February through mid-April), she is still very much alive and well. Would be nice to see her chartered in CN livery.

Posted: Sep 16, 2005 @ 17:09:49 by
#7312 Was Built By The Baldwin Locomotive Works In 1908 By The Grand Trunk Railway And The Grand Trunk Western Railway For The Denver And Rio Grande Western Railway Former Canadian National Now In #31 At The Strasburg Railroad In Pennsylvania 
Posted: Nov 11, 2004 @ 23:11:41 by Carl

Hello all,

I work at the Strasburg Railroad and I would like to clear some things up in one of the previous posts in this section.  Mainly I want to make the fact known that 31 back in the early 1970's and all the way through the late 1980's was very hard on our track for 2 reasons.  One being she is a switcher and two being our track was not in the most pristine order to handle an engine like her.  Now with our updated track which meets and exceeds the standards of the FRA for short-line tourist/freight operations 31 puts as much abuse on the rails as any of our other locomotives do.  Secondly having fired and run 31 before, I would like speak for most of the engine crews in saying that we think 31 is a great engine to run and we enjoy doing so and is one of our favorites.

Posted: Nov 9, 2004 @ 11:11:23 by Gregg Pullano
Recently, this locomotive has had it's original number plate put back on. The engine was originally CN #7312. It lost the 7 and 2 when it came to Strasburg.
Posted: Aug 9, 2004 @ 19:08:40 by Kevin Madore
This locomotive is operational, but is rarely used.  This 0-6-0 switcher was Strasburg's first steam loco in the modern era.  It is capable of pulling any of Strasburg's regular trains, but it wobbles and has a tendency to damage the track.  It is therefore not a favorite among the crews.  Although the railroad's management is said to be committed to keep this engine operational, it would be highly unusual to see it out on the line.  It is currently the last resort back-up engine.