Canadian National RR 2-8-2 No. 3254
Scranton, PA, United States
Location: Steamtown National Historical Site
Status: Display
Posted: Mar 17, 2017 @ 23:03:47 by Chris Little
3254 is awaiting an overhaul.
Posted: Apr 29, 2013 @ 16:04:22 by Nicholas Medovich
Status should be changed to display. 3254 came out of service last December.
Posted: Aug 26, 2006 @ 11:08:02 by Donald Nute
3254 was back in action July of 2006 pulling passengers back and forth in the yard at Steamtown.
Posted: Feb 9, 2005 @ 16:02:34 by Brandon Pena
Adding to Tyler's note, My Engineer friend Bob Patterson saw #3254 off of her wheels
Posted: Aug 22, 2004 @ 18:08:24 by James
THis is not a orig. Steamtown engine, aquired from Gettysburg in trade along with cash. Engine traded was Canadian Pacific G-5 4-6-2 #1278.
Posted: Oct 1, 2003 @ 16:10:53 by Tyler
3254 is currently undergoing work on its wheels and axles. It will be running again soon this fall.