Illinois Central RR 2-8-0 No. 790
Scranton, PA, United States
Location: Steamtown National Historical Site
Status: Display
Posted: Dec 7, 2015 @ 17:12:06 by
this engine looks like it could be restored
Posted: Dec 13, 2010 @ 17:12:14 by Brad Smith
I grew up on Oakland Rd just a couple doors down from the Kellers. I remember Lou taking me to the train when in teh mid 60s with his son Steve and my brother Gairy (Andy Smith.) I always wondered what happened to his old train. I live in NJ now, and maybe I can find out how to visit it and my childhood past. Brad Smith
Posted: Aug 13, 2007 @ 13:08:32 by Ray Sebetka
In the summer of 1960 Lou Keller with the help of some friends and about a half dozen kids (myself included) in the neighborhood next to Quaker Oats of Cedar Rapids assisted in the restoration of this wonderful old locomotive. After it was completed it was taken on an historic run to Ottumwa Iowa and back. On board for the trip were all those who assisted Lou along with the grandson of Casey Jones no less and reporters from the Cedar Rapids Gazette as well as a reporter and photo journalist from Look Magazine. It was a day I will always remember. Along the way a train robbery was enacted shortly before we reached Ottomwa . A large strong box (old foot locker) filled with money (monopoly I'm sure) end gold bars (Gold painted 2x4's) was taken by the bandits as they mounted their horses and rode away into the sunset.It was quite a thrill for a 12 year old kid from the wrong side of the tracks, but thats the kind of guy Louis Keller was! Thanks Lou
Posted: Jan 8, 2007 @ 13:01:49 by Doug Shepard
I am very pleased to see this locomotive is still in existence. During the early 1960's while it was owned by Mr. Keller in Cedar Rapids he had it on static display near my home. For a 10 cent fee (honor system) persons could explore (play on) the locomotive, tender and caboose. I spent many, many hours doing just that. Thanks for the memories. Doug Shepard Toledo, Iowa