Canadian Pacific RR 4-4-4 No. 2929
Scranton, PA, United States
Location: Steamtown National Historic Site
Status: Stored
Posted: Apr 18, 2016 @ 11:04:28 by Hemi Ward
Is this locomotive still there?
Posted: Sep 6, 2009 @ 09:09:26 by Steamtown NHS
This Locomotive is in Scranton, PA USA at Steamtown National Historic Site!!!!
Posted: Sep 2, 2009 @ 19:09:32 by Jim Boyd
The 2929 was cosmetically restored in Vermont by Director Don Ball and was used in a number of night photo "fake steaming" sessions, and this photo was one of the best. Live steam was piped into the 2929 from the G5 behind it. JB
Posted: Mar 28, 2008 @ 14:03:05 by
I have to say that I am a little disappointed with how steamtown treats their non-operating locomotives. I found a picture of 2929 in 2006 and its in bad shape. 2929 is one of two 4-4-4's remaining in the world and should be taken care of. The locomotive should be given to the CMRT in Cranbrook since they have the "Chinook", the train that these locomotives were designed to pull. Or the site should at least give the locomotive a quick coat of paint to protect from the rust.
Posted: Jun 26, 2006 @ 19:06:20 by daniel B
The locomotive has never left Steamtown it has been there since the move from VT.
Posted: Jul 2, 2005 @ 06:07:58 by Matthew R. Potosky

This locomotive was never operational in Vermont. What appears to

Posted: Aug 25, 2004 @ 24:08:38 by Paul
I visited the Canadian Museum of Rail Travel in Cranbrook this summer and was very impressed.  The complete five-car trainset that was designed to be hauled by the 2900 and 3000 class 4-4-4's is on display there.  However, while they would like to have the Steamtown engine, so far as I know, it's still there and I heard nothing about any immediate plans to repatriate it to Cranbrook.  Sure hope it comes true soon, though!
Posted: Aug 23, 2004 @ 08:08:15 by James
The photo shows 2929 in Vermont......I never knew it was operational. I was at Steamtown last year and it was still there.....I have to look into this.
Posted: Jul 22, 2004 @ 08:07:25 by Joshua K. Blay
2929 is indeed still at Steamtown National Historic Site.
Posted: Jul 21, 2004 @ 11:07:26 by qwertyuiop
I thought this 4-4-4 use to be at Steamtown in Scranton