There are 20 locomotives in Luxembourg
The most recent update occured on: December 30, 2023.
Updated locomotive: Hüttenwerke Düdelingen 0-6-0T No. 5 @ Fond de Gras, Luxembourg


OBB (CFL) No. 42.2718 (5519) 2-10-0
Bettembourg, Luxembourg
Location: CFL Depot
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Acieres Reunies de Burbach Esch No. 21 0-4-0T
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Location: Boulevard Berwart
Status: Display
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Hadir (ARBED) No. 123 (704) 0-4-0F
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: Station
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Hüttenwerke Düdelingen No. 5 0-6-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
(ARBED Belval) No. 5 0-6-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Steinforter Hutte No. 4 0-4-0WT
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Charbonnage de la Grande Bacavre No. 503 0-4-0VBT
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Mines d'Esch No. 1 0-4-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Dudelange No. 12 0-6-0F
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
(ARBED) No. 12 0-6-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: Association des musées et tourismes ferroviaires AMTF
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Dudelange No. 122 0-4-0F
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
ARBED Dudelange No. 903 0-8-0F
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: Outside AMTF Rodange
Status: Stored
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
ÖBB (DRG, ÖStB) No. 5621 (52.3504) 2-10-0
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Stored
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Alsace-Lorraine No. 6114 0-6-0WT
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
HADIR-ARED Differdange No. 8 0-4-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
(ARBED Belval) No. 8 0-4-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: Ministry of Culture
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
EBV No. 9 0-6-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Andre Dumont No. AD07 0-8-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: Ministry of Culture
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Cokeries de Zeebrugge No. 507 0-6-0T
Fond de Gras, Luxembourg
Location: AMTF Rodange
Status: Operational
Album: Video: Notes: Links:
Neunkicher Eisenwerke No. 20(10) 0-4-0T
Pétange, Luxembourg
Location: Miniersbunn Dhoil-Rodange Asbl
Status: Unknown
Album: Video: Notes: Links:

This site and its content Copyright © 2025, by Douglas C. Bailey
Images and Video Clips © by the photographer/videographer indicated. Used by permission.